Family Therapy (Familia de Diván)

Director: Alejandro Ciancio – Creator: Ariana Saiegh & Gonzalo Arias – Producers: Gonzalo Arias, Pablo Giles, Martín Lapissonde – Production Company: GM COMUNICACIÓN – Country: Argentina – Language: Spanish – 2023 – 8 x 30′ – Rights: World (Except Italy)

In Family Therapy a dramedy from Argentina, we meet respected psychologists and married couple Susi and José. They have worked together for 25 years as an alternative therapeutic duo, using a fusion of psychoanalysis and alternative therapies. They decide to separate, but continue to work together as co-therapists. Now, they try to help their patients, but their own problems get in the way of the sessions, meanwhile they also deal with the conflicts of their grown up daughter Mara and and their teenage son, the troubled Abel.

The (dysfunctional) family dynamic is well-oiled: Susi and José work in their own office, located in the house where they live with Abel, who is in high school. Mara, who has already left the nest, visits them often: she works in the family business selling pyjamas with her 80 year old granddad and grandma Bobe, Susi’s parents. Throughout the series we follow the relationships of the family and the stories of each of its members, seasoned by the patients we discover in each episode, and they reveal to us a comedy family drama fused with a therapeutic perspective.


Carola Reyna
Boy Olmi
Inés Efrón
Nora Cárpena
Teo D’elía