Director: Sergio Acosta, Executive Producer: Sergio Acosta, Production: SA CINE with the support of INCAA and IAAVIM, Copyright: Glowstar Media, Argentina, Language: Latam Spanish, 4×40′ or 8×20′, 2019, Rights: World
Daniel (Milton Roses) is an editor at Brainstorm a production company, he is on a zero-hour contract. Daniel rents a room in the house of his best friend Mario, lawyer and dragqueen. The production company is made up of Andrés (Christian Harika), boss and owner, with brilliant ideas but inconsistent with the reality and budget; Juana, senior editor-head of Daniel- in crisis because she cannot be promoted to general producer, nor are you encouraged to resign your current position; and Piter, lazy and sleepyhead, General producer, Andrés’ high school classmate. And Javier (Esteban Masturini), joins as the new Cameraman on trial.
Daniel is straight and begins to feel things for Javier. Encouraged by a friend to come out of the closet. Daniel insists he is bisexual, he likes Javier but he also likes women. He starts online dating and has some uncomfortable, funny and embarrassing experiences. As he discovers what he really likes about men, he looks for a way to tell Javier what he feels and at the same time overcome his panic at being naked in front of another person.