Crinicals (Cezailer)

Director: Murat Can Oğuz, Script Writers: Production company: TN Yapım, World Sales: Inter Medya, Country: Turkey, Language: Turkish, 6 x 45′, 2022, Territories: Ready made & Format rights only in English speaking territories

In the Rosenhan Experiment, one of the most shocking experiments in the history of science, psychiatrist David Rosenhan and seven of his sane friends are admitted to different psychiatric hospitals around the country, waiting for doctors to distinguish themselves from the truly sick. Psychiatrist Mert Güngel, wants to repeat this experiment in CRINICALS. He does this to advance his career and think it will be over in 2 weeks but it is the start of a nightmare.

Güngel fakes being mentally ill and gets hospitalized to conduct an experiment. His aim is to convince the doctors that he is not sick and that they should let him out of there. But things don’t go as planned since they send him to the “CRINICALS” Ward which is a special unit of the mental hospital that acts as a prison and is reserved for mentally ill individuals who committed serious crimes. Mert’s career changing experiment soon turns into his worst nightmare.

In the background of the events that take place in the “Cezailer” ward, which is full of people with kleptomania, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and manic depression, and those who do not have a criminal capacity, lies a complex plot full of revenge, murder, forgery and lies.


Yiğit Özşener
Rıza Kocaoğlu
Esra Bezen Bilgin
Hayal Köseoğlu